Hannah is a scientist, entrepreneur, and writer. She was born in Jiangxi, China, grew up in central Pennsylvania, and currently resides in the Bay Area. The common thread in everything she enjoys is storytelling. Understanding how people and ideas connect with each other and shape the world we live in is her main inspiration. As a queer, adopted, Asian American woman, she proudly represents all of her intersectional identities. Her current projects can be found on the now page.
Her formal training is in science and engineering. In 2017, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of Delaware with a B.S. in biochemistry. She attended Stanford University for graduate school and received her M.S. and Ph.D. in bioengineering in four years, graduating in 2021. She worked in Justin Sonnenburg’s lab, studying the intersection of the microbiome and immune system. She is co-first author on a paper in Cell, Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status, the first human study to implement extensive longitudinal immune profiling to investigate the diet-microbiome-immune axis. After publication it trended #1 on Pubmed and was covered by the New York Times in one of the most shared articles ever.
She is currently co-founder and CEO of Interface Biosciences, a VC-backed biotech company that focuses on leveraging the microbiome to improve human health and treat inflammatory disease. Being at the axis of one of the most important and exciting sectors of research today, she is always learning, listening, and sharing her vision for the future of microbiome innovation.
Thank you for visiting! Feel free to get in touch through any of the links on the contact page.
I also recently started a substack in lieu of my personal blog, which you can find here.